Van Halder, Riet
Riet van Halder (maiden name: Daelmans) worked as a young girl in her parent’s biscuit factory. She got married in 1956 and emigrated to New Zealand in 1957. Homesick she returned with a family of three children to the Netherlands in 1962. She began painting in 1986, at the age of 56, on linnen shopping bags and pieces of wrapping paper. When she no longer could resist a powerful urge to express herself she set up a studio in the garage. Riet has had no formal artistic training and takes the experience of her personal reality as starting-point and source of the translation process to images put on paper. She stopped drawing and painting in 2004 because of illness.
Riet van Halder1930 Vlijmen, The Netherlands - 2021 Waalwijk, The Netherlands